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Wha Tto Use Automator Mac App For

First, launch Automator (Command+Space, then type “Automator”), and create a new service. Services are like little programs that you can run by right-clicking a file, or from the app’s menu. The first thing you need to set up a service is an input, and our input will be image files. Currently, Automator can handle specific tasks in more than 80 applications (including the Finder), but both Apple and third-party developers can add new Automator task support to both new and existing applications. To create a simple application with Automator, launch the application and follow these steps: Select Application and click Choose. Featuring Dark Mode, new pro-inspired features, four new apps, and a redesigned Mac App Store. See what’s new Easy to Use When it’s simple to do everything, you can do anything.

Automator is an often overlooked utility that lets you build workflow assistants that can take repetitive tasks and automate them for you. Of course, you don't have to use Automator only for complex or advance workflows—sometimes you just want to automate a simple task like opening your favorite apps and documents.

You probably have specific work or play environments you use with your Mac. For instance, if you’re a graphic designer, you may always open Photoshop and Illustrator, plus a couple of graphics utilities. You may also keep some project folders open in the Finder. Likewise, if you're a photographer, you might always open Aperture and Photoshop, plus your favorite website for uploading images.

Of course, opening applications and folders is a simple process; a few clicks here, a few clicks there, and you're ready to work. However, because these are tasks you repeat over and over, they're good candidates for a bit of workflow automation.

In this step-by-step guide, we're going to show you how to use Apple’s Automator to built a program that will open your favorite applications—as well as any folders and web pages you frequently use—with just a single click.

What You Need

  • Automator: This app comes with your Mac. The instructions below are relevant for macOS High Sierra, but with a bit of tweaking, you can make it work for other versions of the Mac operating system, too.
  • Applications: Compile a list of the applications you want to open automatically when you launch the program you'll create with Automator.
  • Folders: If there are specific folders you work from on a regular basis, the application you create with Automator can open them in Finder windows.
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Open Applications and Folders

  1. Open Automator, located at /Applications.
  2. Select Application in the window that pops up when you first open Automator. In some versions of Mac OS, you might need to first select New Document and then Application as the template type.
  3. Click the Choose button.
  4. In the Library list on the left of Automator, select Files & Folders.
  5. Locate Get Specified Finder Items in the middle panel and drag it to the panel on the right-hand side of Automator. You can also double-click it in place of dragging it.
  6. Click the Add.. button to add an application or folder to the list of Finder items. Keep doing this until all the items you need for your workflow are present. Don't include your default browser (in my case, Safari) in the list of Finder items—we'll choose another workflow step to launch the browser to a specific URL.
  7. From the Library pane, drag the Open Finder Items to the workflow pane, below the previous action.

This completes the part of the workflow that opens applications and folders. To have your browser open a specific URL when you run your program, continue on with the next step.

How To Use Automator Mac Create Pdf To Word

Otherwise, to finish here, see the last section below on how to save and run the workflow.

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Working With URLs in Automator

  1. In the Library pane, select Internet.
  2. Drag the Get Specified URLs action to the workflow panel, below the previous action. This action will include Apple's home page as a URL to open—select the Apple URL and click the Remove button (unless, of course, you want that URL to open in your program).
  3. Click the Add button to attach a new item to the URL list.
  4. Double-click in the text box for the URL to change the URL to the website you want to open when you run your program.

Repeat these steps for each additional URL you want to open automatically. When finished, return to the Library > Internet pane and drag Display Webpages to the workflow pane, just below the previous action.

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Test, Save, and Use the Workflow

When you're finished creating your workflow, you can test it to make sure it actually functions correctly. To do this, click the Run button at the very top-right corner of Automator.

Because we're creating an application, Automator will issue a warning about how it won't receive input when running inside Automator. You can safely ignore this warning by clicking the OK button.

Automator will run the workflow. Check to be sure that all of the applications opened, as well as any folders you may have included. If you wanted to open your browser to a specific page, make sure the correct page loaded.

Once you've confirmed that the workflow works as expected, you can save it as an application.

  1. Click the File menu in Automator and select Save..
  2. Enter a name and location for your workflow application and click Save.

With the .APP file created wherever you saved it, just double-click it to run the workflow. Because it works just like any other Mac application, you can also click and drag the workflow application to the Dock, or to a Finder window's sidebar or toolbar.

If you're on-the-go, you can create workflows in the iOS Workflow app for your iPhone, iPad or Apple Watch.

If you use Apple's Mail app on your Mac, you've probably had times when the application slows down. Messages in mailboxes are slow to appear; searches take longer than usual to perform. This can happen when Mail's mailboxes (or folders, if you prefer) accumulate thousands of messages — which is all the more likely if you're among the majority of the human population and you don't discard old email.

The best thing you can do is be ruthless with old email. Once you're finished with a message, move it to the trash and then empty the trash every so often. Try to think about it this way. We all receive tons of junk mail in our physical mailboxes — advertising circulars from the local supermarket, catalogs, credit card applications. If you don't save any of that stuff, why would you hold on to old email, particularly when it takes less effort to press the delete key than it does to carry paper-based mail to the recycle bin?

Still, some of us accumulate email that is valuable and merits keeping. That's fine, too, but over time it still may slow the Mail app down.

Wha Tto Use Automator Mac App For

Lucky for all of us, there's a solution to the slowdown.

Scripting to the Rescue

There's a built-in tool on your Mac called vacuum that you can use to clean up the database that stores all of your emails. The vacuum command copies the contents of your mail database to a temporary file and rebuilds it so that it uses less space on your disk. The vacuum command eliminates gaps, defragments the data, and cleans up the database file structure.

Normally, the vacuum command is accessible only through the Mac's command-line interface using an app such as Terminal. But thanks to the wonder of Automator, an app that ships with your Mac, you can create a simple three-step script that will run the vacuum tool. And you don't have to know how to write a script, use the command line, or even understand how the vacuum tool works.

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Meet Otto

The first thing we'll need to do is open the Automator app which is located in your Mac's Applications folder. Its icon looks like a robot refugee from Earth, circa 2805.

  1. In the Finder, choose Go
  2. Click on Applications.

    https://ermoneaten.tistory.com/1. In the graphic in the top-right corner of the page, click on Mac OS X to download the Blackboard IM installer. The file is called Blackboard IM.dmg. The file is called Blackboard IM.dmg. The Blackboard IM installer, called Blackboard IM.dmg, downloads to your hard drive and the End User License Agreement opens.

  3. In the Applications window that appears, locate the Automator app and double-click it to open it.
  4. In the window that appears, click New Document.

  5. In the sheet that appears, click Workflow
  6. Click Choose.

    An empty Automator document will open. To build our Automator script, we will drag actions from the left side of the window to the right side. As a first step, we want to quit the Mail app if it is open to make sure Mail's database does not change while we are cleaning it up.

  7. In the search field type the word quit.
  8. Drag and drop the action named Quit Application to the right side of the window.

  9. From the pop-up menu in the Quit Application action, choose Mail.
  10. Clear the search field above the list of actions and type the word run.

  11. Drag and drop the action named Run Shell Script beneath the Quit Application action.
  12. In the empty field in the middle of the Run Shell Script action, copy and paste the command below that corresponds to the version of macOS that is running on your Mac. Don't forget the semi-colon at the end of the line.

What To Use Automator Mac App For Photo Editing

  • For Snow Leopard (10.6): sqlite3 ~/Library/Mail/Envelope Index vacuum;
  • For Lion (10.7), Mountain Lion (10.8), Mavericks (10.9), or Yosemite (10.10): sqlite3 ~/Library/Mail/V2/MailData/Envelope Index vacuum;
  • For El Capitan (10.11): sqlite3 ~/Library/Mail/V3/MailData/Envelope Index vacuum;
  • For Sierra (10.12): sqlite3 ~/Library/Mail/V4/MailData/Envelope Index vacuum;
  • For High Sierra (10.13): sqlite3 ~/Library/Mail/V5/MailData/Envelope Index vacuum;

    Now we add a call to action for the Mail app.

  1. Clear the search field above the list of actions and type the word launch.
  2. Drag and drop the action named Launch Application to the right side of the window beneath the Run Shell Script action.

    • Click the InShot Photo & Video Editor icon to open it, follow the on-screen instructions to play it. • The APK will be installed using Bluestacks, once installed open Bluestacks and locate the recently installed InShot Photo & Video Editor. How to use inshot app.

  3. From the pop-up menu in the Launch Application action, choose Mail.

    The script is now complete, but you'll need to save it.

  4. Click on File in the Menu bar.
  5. Choose Save.

  6. In the sheet that appears, give your workflow a name, and pick a place to save your new Automator script.

What Is Automator App

To run your new workflow, just open it with Automator and click the Run button in the upper right corner of the script's window. If Mail is running, it will quit, the script will run, and Mail will re-open with a rebuilt database behind the scenes which should lead to improved performance.

Do It For Me

You can run your new script whenever you feel Mail is slowing down. Or you can schedule it to run on a regular schedule using the Calendar app on your Mac. All you have to do is convert your new script into a Calendar Alarm.

  1. With the script window open in Automator, click on File in the Menu Bar.
  2. Choose Convert To..

    Automator will duplicate your script and open a new window.

  3. In the sheet that appears, click Calendar Alarm
  4. Click Choose.

  5. Click on File in the Menu bar.
  6. Choose Save...

    An important caveat: You need to be quick when saving this file. If you wait too long (more than about five seconds) when naming and saving this file, the script will revert to a standard workflow and will not be properly saved as a Calendar Alarm. This appears to be a bug in High Sierra, and possibly earlier versions of macOS as well. Look for the sentence at the top of the workflow that reads: 'Calendar Alarm is run when triggered by a Calendar event.' If you look long enough, you'll see it disappear, in which case you'll need to repeat Step 3.

  7. In the sheet that appears, name your calendar event and click Save.

A new calendar named Automator will be created in your Calendar app and this new Calendar Alarm will be added to the Automator calendar as an event on the date and time it is created. You can edit this event to run on a regular schedule (say, the first of every month) or move it to another calendar.

What Is Automator Application On Mac

Hoover it Up!

Has this easy-to-make Automator action helped with your Mail slowdowns? Let us know in the comments below.

Wha Tto Use Automator Mac App For Mac


How To Use Mac Automator


What To Use Automator Mac App For Gmail
